Monday 7 July 2014

Telekung pertama Nuha


Nuha anak yang sulung.
Tahun ni umur dia 5 tahun. Sekarang ni masih 4 tahun 10 bulan.
So far, I still did not send her yet to any kindergarden or taska. Pity her, left behind compared to other children same age with her. :)

Ammar, her cousin (anak abang Munir) same age, already go to school at PASTI.
Actually, last year I was planned to send Nuha to PASTI too.
Already surveyed, but belom ade rezeki lagi nak hantar Nuha pi sane.
Jadi postpone tahun depanla ye Nuha.
Tengok progress Ammar kat PASTI, I am happy.
Budak berumur 5 tahun boleh bace surah Al-Mulk. SubhanaALLAH.
Erk, tapi bukan baca la, hafaz. Budak2 kan cepat tangkap apa yg dia dengar, kan? :)
So, I wish to send Nuha there next year. InsyaALLAH. Moga ALLAH permudahkan.

Actually, I was thinking and afraid that in terms of parenting, M and I were late in preparing our children to expose to new things, like:

1. Late in sending her to education centre so that she can learn early..she can read...
2. Late in sending her to Iqraq Class..
3. Late in teach her how to read ABC, how to count 123...

At this moment, so far Nuha can count 1 to 10, but not so familiar with ABC, don't know how to read, but she know object well. If she dont know she will ask.
I really hope Nuha can catch up during her school later. I am really worried as I don't bring her up so well. Muuhuhu..

And as a start, I bought Nuha telekung last weekend. I thought want to ask her to join me do the praying together. :) I love you Nuha.

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